
An open-source alternative to look up emojis on Windows 7, 8 and 10. Built with web technology. Replacement to the Windows emoji keyboard.

View and contribute on GitHubWindows 7 or later required


List of useful features winMoji brings to your Windows desktop

taskbarrecently used emojis
Close to tray
The app will be hidden and sent to the tray. Useful if you don't want to accidentally quit the app.
Recently used
Keep track of recently used emojis. This feature will help keep your most-used emojis always in easy access.
Keyboard shortcut
Using CTRL + SHIFT + E will toggle for quick adding of emojis by bringing the focus back to winMoji if it has been sent to the tray.
Auto updates
This feature keeps the app up to date with the latest version. You don’t need to download new updates; delivered directly to your computer.
Windows 7, 8 and 10 support
With the updated Segoe UI Emoji font, winMoji helps bring emojis to the older operating system.

Fun statistics

An app created in 2017 carries a little history

emoji face
1382 supported
Over 50k downloads
Used in over 10 different countries